Saturday, September 10, 2005

Journalists & Trauma: Help from Poynter Online

Journalists involved in the coverage of Hurricane Katrina's devastation of the Gulf Coast region confront firsthand the traumatic scenes and images that they report to the rest of the world. Poynter Online has compiled a resource to help those journalists deal with the effects of what they've encountered on the job.

Al's Morning Meeting: Covering Trauma Victims

Help for Journalists Under Stress (article, with resources)

Journalists Suffering Trauma: Advice from a Professional (article)

Covering Trauma & Tragedy: What It Takes (article)

Trauma Takes Toll on Journalists Covering Disasters (article)

Tips for Covering Tragedy

Journalists and Trauma: Secondary Victims (article)

Preparing for the Worst: Are You Ready? (article)

Covering Crisis (resource page)

Journalism and Tragedy (article)

Connecting With Your Staff (memos from other newsrooms dealing with trauma)

Journalists & Tragedy: A Passion for Excellence and a Compassion for People  (article)
Centers for Disease Control & Prevention: Disaster Mental Health
Grace E. Lee