NYC: VH1: Get UP Stand UP: 9/23 and 9/26
VH1's new disaster outreach program "Get Up Stand Up" will fill a truck of urgently needed supplies to the Mercy Corps Gulf Coast command center. According to the folks at Mercy Corps, what they need most are backpacks for K-12-year-olds and lots of them, filled with age-appropriate pens, notebooks, rulers, etc. On Friday, September 23rd and Monday, September 26th, go to 1515 Broadway (actually, 46th and Broadway on Friday and 45th between Bway and 8th on Monday) with a backpack filled with school supplies that a kid can use. Please label with tape on the front of the backpack which age group it is intended for and whether or not the contents are gender specific. Any of the following are needed.
For Elementary School kids, small stuffed animals, water-based markers or crayons, binder with loose-leaf paper, colored pencils, ruler, box for storing supplies, blunt-end scissors, drawing pad, erasers, glue stick. Middle School: binder with loose leaf notebook paper, flash light, highlighter, colored pencils, ruler, box for storing supplies, erasers, glue stick, two #2 pencils, pencil sharpener.
High School: small calculator, calendar assignment book, binder with loose-leaf notebook paper, flashlight, highlighter, ruler, erasers, two #2 pencils, pencil sharpener. Please indicate with tape on the outside of the backpack which age range it's intended for and whether or not the contents are gender specific
[via the Manhattan Users Guide]
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