Hurricane Katrina NOAA Images
This imagery was acquired by the NOAA Remote Sensing Division to support NOAA national security and emergency response requirements. In addition, it will be used for ongoing research efforts for testing and developing standards for airborne digital imagery.
Please note that these images are uncorrected and not rotated. The approximate ground sample distance (GSD) for each pixel is 37 cm (1.2 feet). The images have 60% forward overlap, and sidelap unknown. Image file size is between 2 MB and 3 MB.
In an effort to acquire imagery in a timely manner after the landfall of the Hurricane Katrina, clouds may be present in the imagery.
NOTE: The date of the photography can be derived from the first 3 characters of the image name. Image names beginning with 243 were acquired Aug 30, 2005, those beginning with 244 were acquired Aug 31, and so on.
Grace E. Lee
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